![Pythagoras](/images/pythagoras-small.jpg) ## So you're taking philosophy? Awesome.
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# Why are you here? **Click the statement that best represents you.** 1. ["I just added your philosophy class."](http://www.keithbuhler.com/philosophyportal-splash#/0/3) 2. ["I am trying to do well in your philosophy class."](http://www.keithbuhler.com/philosophyportal-splash#/0/4) 3. ["I just finished your philosophy class."](http://www.keithbuhler.com/philosophyportal-splash#/0/5) 4. ["I'm just checking your philosophy site out."](http://www.keithbuhler.com/philosophyportal-splash#/0/6) 5. ["I want some philosophy reading recommendations."](http://www.keithbuhler.com/philosophyportal-splash#/0/7) 6. ["I'm thinking about majoring in philosophy."](http://www.keithbuhler.com/philosophyportal-splash#/0/10) 7. ["I'm thinking about graduate school in philosophy."](http://www.keithbuhler.com/philosophyportal-splash#/0/12) 8. ["I want to contact you to talk about something."](http://www.keithbuhler.com/philosophyportal-splash#/0/13) 7. ["I'm not sure why I'm here."](http://www.keithbuhler.com/philosophyportal-splash#/0/14)
### I just added your philosophy class. Welcome! We're going to have a great semester. - Take my ["getting acquainted" survey.](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/17A6-27pW2lrI4S6rEpV8GIh_OycvQHCc01fkyuoxPYw/viewform?usp=send_form) - Review your course [syllabus.](/syllabi) - [Read more about the benefits of studying philosophy.](http://www.whystudyphilosophy.com) - Or, blow your mind by opening a random page on Wikipedia and [getting to philosophy.](/wikipedia) [*Philosophy portal home.*](/philosophy)
### "I am trying to do well in your philosophy class." ![Dory](/images/dory.jpg) You can do it. [Click here for tips on how to succeed.](/philosophy-class)
### "I just finished your philosophy class." - Do the Course Evaluation online. - Also, [rate my class](http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/search.jsp?query=keith+buhler) to let others know how you had a great time. - If you want to share criticism, compliments, or other comments, [email me or let's sit down and talk.](emailto:keith.buhler@uky.edu) [*Philosophy portal home.*](/philosophy)
### "I'm just checking your philosophy site out." - Cool! I hope you like it. - You can explore the resources on the [Philosophy portal home.](/philosophy)
### "I want some philosophy reading recommendations." Here are some good, accessible yet challenging classics. * [Laozi, *The Tao Te Ching*](http://www.sacred-texts.com/tao/taote.htm) * [Plato, *Alcibiades I*](http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.01.0168) * [Marcus Aurelius, *Meditations*](http://classics.mit.edu/Antoninus/meditations.1.one.html) * [Pascal, *Pensees*](http://www.ccel.org/ccel/pascal/pensees.ii.html) * [Dosteyevsky, *Brothers Karamasov*](http://www.gutenberg.org/files/28054/28054-h/28054-h.html) * [Thomas Nagel, *What Does it All Mean*?](http://sjmse-library.sch.ng/E-Books%20Phil/WHAT%20DOES%20IT%20ALL%20MEAN_.pdf) * [JP Moreland, *The God Question*](https://books.google.com/books?id=o7dGOrvdojUC&pg=PA4&lpg=PA4&dq=the+god+question+moreland&source=bl&ots=wraAQEf13U&sig=U3Ci1yLS92sc7YoM1gCWIgNVKTA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj-k_X1jP_JAhVGy2MKHU6bBiMQ6AEISzAG#v=onepage&q=the%20god%20question%20moreland&f=false)
## "No, Seriously, I *Really* Like Philosophy..." ![wonka](/images/wonka-metaphysics.jpeg)
## "No, Seriously, I *Really* Like Philosophy..." Read these and you'll get the burn that only philosophy can give you. * [Plato, *Republic*](http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus:text:1999.01.0168), * [Aristotle, *Metaphysics*](http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0052), * [Thomas Aquinas, *Summa Theologica*](http://www.newadvent.org/summa/), * [Nietzsche, Genealogy of Morals](http://www.inp.uw.edu.pl/mdsie/Political_Thought/GeneologyofMorals.pdf), and * [Kant, *Metaphysics of Morals*](http://www.earlymoderntexts.com/assets/pdfs/kant1785.pdf). * And talk to your professors. [*Philosophy portal home.*](/philosophy)
### "I'm considering majoring in philosophy." - Good. You *should* consider a minor or major. - Believe it or not, studying philosophy can help you to [find a good job, earn a higher salary than a business degree, become fully human, and find answers to life's deepest questions.](/philosophy-3-major) [*Philosophy portal home.*](/philosophy)
### "I'm thinking about graduate school in philosophy." Being a professional academic is not for everyone. Is it for you? * [Here's my story](/phd-how-to) about applying and working through graduate school. * Here's some other resources. * [What some people do outside of academia after studying philosophy](https://freerangephilosophers.com/) * [The Leiter Report](http://leiterreports.typepad.com/) is a great blog for many aspects of the profession. * [Phil Events](http://philevents.org/) helps you find upcoming conferences on interesting themes. * [Phil Jobs](http://philjobs.org/) helps you scope out the job market in academic philosophy. [*Philosophy portal home.*](/philosophy)
### "I'm thinking about graduate school in philosophy." (cont'd) * [What it's like to be a woman in philosophy](https://beingawomaninphilosophy.wordpress.com/) collects stories of the good, and the bad. * [Why women stay (or leave) philosophy](http://quod.lib.umich.edu/p/phimp/3521354.0016.006/1) A case that the philosophical field is sexist. * [Does philosophy have a woman problem?](http://heterodoxacademy.org/2016/07/22/does-philosophy-have-a-woman-problem/) A case that the philosophical field is *not* sexist. * [A sober look at the cost of professionalizing philosophy.](http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2016/01/11/when-philosophy-lost-its-way/) * [A sober look at the future of professional philosophy.](http://chronicle.com/blogs/conversation/2014/07/16/wanted-a-future-for-philosophy/) * [More philosophy resources.](/philosophy-resources)
### "I want to contact you to talk about something." - Contact me via [email](keith.buhler@uky.edu) or [twitter](https://twitter.com/Keith_Buhler). [*Philosophy portal home.*](/philosophy)
### "I'm not sure why I'm here." - That's OK. No one is. - Here's some suggestions: - Check out my [personal site](/fun) for fiction, art, and more fun stuff. - Check out my [academic articles.](https://uky.academia.edu/KeithBuhler) - Check out some other [philosophy resources](/philosophy-resources) - Read about [Mary Shelly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Wollstonecraft), one of the first modern female philosophers. [*Philosophy portal home.*](/philosophy)
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